First of all, look what my valentine gave me!! Beautiful flowers...everyone loves roses and daisies are my all time fav! He also left little surprises all around the house for Reeses cups! Yum!

Anjali *loves* to help me bake and especially when we're baking cookies! She likes to do it all - measure the ingredients, stir the dough, spread the flour, roll the dough, cut out the shapes and put them on the cookie sheets!

She was so proud of how messy she got! You can't see it too well but she was completely covered in flour!

Her finished masterpiece!

Little Jaiden woke up from his nap just in time to eat a cookie...
We always have so much fun making homemade cookies and the great thing is they have the cookie cutters for every holiday!!
Oh Elisha!! The new pictures are so sweet. I really love these of you and Anjali making cookies. Gideon and I bake cookies almost weekly. Whenever the cookie jar is getting low, he reminds me it is time to make more. You are making such sweet memories with your children. Such a sweet Mama.