Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bedtime Stories

Yesterday Daniel had off so we decided to take Anjali to see a movie! This was only her 2nd time to go...her first being with Mica and Poppi and her cousins recently. We went to see Bedtime Stories. She loved it!
Here we are right before we left...
Mica came over to stay with Jaiden...they always have so much fun with her!

We stopped by the Dollar General and got all of this for the price of ONE at the theater!! I know, we went a little crazy with the snacks!

Daddy and his princess...she sat in his lap for most of the movie! Right towards the end she decided she wanted to sit in her own seat.

Me and my baby girl right after the movie...she lasted most of the movie and then had to go potty so I ran her out knowing it was close to the end and we got back as quick as we could only to see the credits rolling...ha!

Anjali and Daddy playing video games...

showing off our guns:)
We had such a good time and she did great in the movie!

The Little Home

The other day Anjali had a wonderful idea to make a home under our dining table! So I draped some blankets and sheets over the sides and she got her little sleeping mat and pretended to go night night. They played in there for the longest time...they even made some soup for me in their little home;)

I had flashbacks to when we were little and my sister and I would make "forts" by draping blankets across from one bed to the other. We would put our big toys on the bed to hold the blankets on. I remember playing in our fort for hours!!

Daniel had taken the chair cushions off to recover them and Anjali and Jaiden jumped in and had fun with it! They make me smile all the time...I love how sweet they are to each other:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

My little helpers

Anjali and Jaiden both love to help me clean! Yesterday I was cleaning the windows and they wanted to help so I got out their little spray bottle (with water in it) and a couple wash cloths and they helped me clean all the windows. They also like to help me sweep and vacuum and switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer. We got them a cleaning set for Christmas and I think it is the one thing they have played with everyday!

This is a cloth umbrella that I got when I was little and I remember playing with it all the time. My sister had one just like it and we would walk around outside with them and use them as sun umbrellas. Anjali loves it too and she has been playing with it non-stop the past few days.

She told Jaiden that it was raining inside so he needed to get under the umbrella with her!

Jaiden's first haircut

We decided it was finally time to give Jaiden his first haircut...and we figured we would do it ourselves, I mean, how hard can it really be, right?!
This is him before...

Daniel trying to cut his hair...Jaiden would sit very still until Daniel would start to cut with the clippers and then he would turn his head really quick..ha!

So this is the finished cut...a little uneven and we didn't even touch the top yet but he looks sooo cute!!
So apparently most of our friends use lollipops to keep their kids still during a haircut...I think we'll definitely try something next time:)

Homemade playdough!

The other week Mica and Poppi came over with Rhiannon's kids while Rhi and Sean were moving and I had them all make some homemade playdough. We split the dough up into 4 sections and they each got to pick their kool-aid packet. They had so much fun with this!
Mixing in the kool-aid...
They all started rolling balls and making snowmen...

Anjali's snowman...

Kassidy decided to make a shirt out of her playdough...
Here is Kade with his snowman...oh, and next time we will definitely separate the ingredients before we make the dough so we can mix in the kool-aid from the beginning - otherwise your hands end up looking like this:)
Sweet Kali Rose and Anjali making snakes...

They each got to take home their playdough when they left! We had such a fun day!!

Both of our kids love to brush their teeth! So much that if Jaiden even sees his he goes crazy until we give it too him. So every night right after their bath they sit down on the floor for about 10 minutes and brush their teeth together...too funny!

The kids are at such a great stage right now and playing sooo well together. They love to get on their little cars and ride around the house...and around and around and around...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Train Station

A few weeks ago we put the kids in the outfits that I had just finished sewing for them and drove down to the train station to take some pics. We had been wanting to stop by since it is only like 2 minutes from our house and we knew it would probably make for some good pics. We were only there about 20 minutes b/c it was after church and before lunch:) but we were able to get some great shots. The first thing we saw when we pulled up was an old caboose parked off to the side so we headed straight over there. We will definitely go back for more pics!!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Last week all the cousins came over to play and wore their shirts that I made them all for Christmas.

Ava, Kali, Kade, Anjali, Jaiden and Kassidy...

They couldn't sit still much longer...


Anjali and Kassidy...