The weather had warmed up for a few days so we took advantage of it and played outside for hours! We got a bubble machine recently and the kids love it!
My sweet, sweet little man...he melts my heart just looking at him. I can't give him enough hugs and kisses! He only says a few words (mama, dada, hi, bye, etc) but he communicates very well. He's very good at letting me know what he's trying to say. He loves to laugh and be silly and he adores his sister...

Anjali makes me smile all the time. She is constantly coming over to me and gently pushing my hair back from my face and saying "mama, I love you." How can it get any sweeter? She is so sweet to her baby brother and loves to share her food with him. She thinks it's so funny when he eats it straight from her hand...they will giggle forever together!
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